Eco-Oxidizer produce strong oxidant (O ) with help electric magnetic filed
Active Oxygen have the following reactions and form oxidative radicals .
It can ready to react with all kind of pollutant’s.
H2O + O H2O2
NaCl + O NaOCl
O2 + O O3
All type of oxidant react with all organic pollutant convert into simple non
hazardous bye product of CO2 and water .
Hydroxyl (OH)radical to oxidizes the Iron, Arsenic ,Suspended COD/BOD
Nitrate, Phosphates O&G ,Aromatic & Aliphatic carbons.
Eco-oxidizer completely eliminates coagulation, disinfection and coagulation aid chemicals. thus reduce the sludge volume from conventional pretreatment coagulation process. It also reduce the treatment area and civil work investment cost.
The effluent from the below industries can be effectively treated by ECO–OXIDIZER
TEXTILE & LEATHER: TSS, color, COD, BOD, Total hardness removal and chromium removal
ELECTROPLATING COMPANY: Chromium, Zinc, Lead, Heavy metals, Acid recovery and O& G
CNC MACHINE SHOP: Coolant recycling, O & G removal.
FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES (Fishery, Poultry, Meat and Milk processing): TSS, COD,
BOD, TOC, VOC and TKN removal
STP: TSS, O&G, Nitrates ,TKN, removal
AUTOMOBILE AND CAR WASH: O&G, Total suspended Solids
HIGH TDS WATER TOTAL HARDNESS REMOVAL: Chloro alkali, Soda ash plant, Textile,
Tannery, Sea water Desalination, ZLD
LEACHATES: TSS, COD. BOD, Color, and Odor
LAKE PURIFICATION: Algae removal, phosphate removal
PETRO CHEMICAL AND REFINERY : Produced water treatment, TSS removal, recycling